Do these 7 things to sell your home faster in Mesa and Gilbert.


If you’re thinking about putting your home on the market, especially in Mesa or Gilbert area, here are some things you can do to prepare. They won’t cost you much time or money, but they’ll make a big difference in how quickly and for what price your home sells.

1) De-personalize your home.

Here’s one way to personalize your home: remove all personal items from it.

The goal is to get rid of anything that makes your house seem like a home, not just for you but for anyone who lives there. And no, I don’t mean “anyone who lives there” in a creepy way—I’m talking about the buyers. They need to feel comfortable and at ease in their prospective new place, so take some time before putting the house on the market and make sure that each room doesn’t have any clutter or signs of habitation (no toothbrushes lying around). As an added bonus, this will also help cut down on maintenance costs!

It may sound silly, but when I say “remove all personal items,” I really mean it—even if you’ve lived somewhere for decades (or were born there), removing everything that reminds potential buyers of you can help draw attention away from how long you’ve been there and toward how great the rest of your house is!!

2) De-clutter your home.

The first thing to do is purge.

Take a look around your home and decide what you should keep and what you should get rid of. Then, don’t just throw away things that don’t matter to you—don’t be afraid to get creative!

You can use the items around your house that no longer serve their original purpose in new ways. For example, if one of your kids outgrew their crib, it can make an excellent planter for succulents or herbs on your front porch (or even indoors). If there is something in your house that was never used but still has some life left in it—use it!

3) Do some minor repairs 

You might be surprised to know that when it comes to selling your home, a lot of buyers are turned off by broken things. If there’s a window that needs fixing or an appliance that is not working properly, it’s worth taking the time to fix this. It will help you avoid having potential buyers walk away from the property altogether!

Additionally, if you have pets or kids who tend to make messes in the house (which happens A LOT), now is also a good time for some deep cleaning before putting your house on market. This way there won’t be any stains on carpets or wallpapers and everything will look tidy and clean when potential buyers see inside your home.

4) Improve your curb appeal.

The curb appeal of your home is the first thing potential buyers will see when they pull into your neighborhood. Make sure that you’re doing all you can to make it look its best.

  • Ensure that your house is clean and tidy, inside and out. A clean home will have a better impact on prospective buyers than one with dirty windowsills or dust bunnies lurking in corners.
  • Get rid of any clutter in common areas (like your kitchen counters) so that everything looks neat and orderly—and free up some space for potential buyers who might want to bring over large pieces of furniture like dressers or tables for staging purposes.
  • Maintain an attractive front yard by planting some flowers or shrubs around the front door, adding a bench or small table to the porch so that people can sit down while they wait for their appointment with you—and making sure there’s enough room on either side of the walkway so cars don’t get stuck while trying to drive through!

5) Address any bad odors in the house.

The smell of your house is the first thing that a buyer will notice when they walk in. If it’s not up to par, they won’t even consider staying long enough to see how nice the kitchen or living room looks. Make sure there are no bad odors in the house with air fresheners and scented candles; also, make sure there are no pets causing bad odors if you have them (don’t forget about litter boxes). In addition, if you have smokers in your household who tend to smoke inside rather than just outside on their patio or deck, make sure that this habit has been curbed before putting up for sale—it can severely affect potential buyers’ opinions about how cleanly maintained your property may be otherwise.

6) Stage your home.

  • Stage your home. Before putting your house on the market, you’ll want to remove personal items and make it as neutral as possible. Unnecessary furniture should be moved out of rooms and replaced with neutral colors that can be easily removed once a buyer has made an offer. Fresh flowers in vases will make the space feel more inviting and relaxing while having a camera ready to take pictures helps potential buyers envision themselves living there. It’s also important to remove clutter from tables and countertops—this not only makes the kitchen look cleaner but also gives buyers an idea of what they would need to bring into their new home if this property does sell!
  • Clean up before showing your house for sale

You can have all the staging done in the world, but if you don’t clean up first then it’s going too far downhill because no one wants to see dirty dishes piled up in the sink or clothes scattered around where people may trip over them when walking through each room.”

7) Hire the right agent.

  • Look for a real estate agent who has the following qualities:
  • Is an expert in the local market. She will know what’s selling, why some homes are sitting on the market longer than others and how to help you get the best price for your home. A good agent can also refer you to other professionals who can help with staging, repairs or renovations.
  • Is passionate about helping people (and not just making a quick sale). If you have any questions—no matter how small —he/she should be happy to answer them immediately and thoroughly (not just set up another appointment).
  • Has professional education credentials that mean something in this field (i.e., NAR REALTOR®, CDPE®, CRS®), because these days it’s easy for anyone to call themselves “real estate agents.”


I hope this list has given you some great ideas for how to improve your home’s appeal and make it more attractive to buyers. If you have any questions about the process of selling your house, don’t hesitate to reach out!